Behind every great picture we share of our beautiful home, Cherokee Park Ranch, is an incredible man. If you have vacationed with us in the last 20 years, you have had the pleasure of meeting Jeff Julian.

Photographer and Cowboy Jeff Julian poses for a portrait at Cherokee Park Ranch in Livermore, Colorado, July 17, 2012.
Christine met Jeff back in 1993 while she was camping and horseback riding along the Big Piney River in Missouri and he has been a part of the Prince family ever since. When he discovered the Prince Fam bought a ranch in Colorado, he asked if he could come too! He helped Christine and Dickey pack up their 4 kids, a pregnant horse (Daisy), 4 cats, 3 dogs and their dream of living out West. Jeff is an incredibly talented horseman as well as a fantastic photographer which makes for a deadly combination: a photographer who can lope and take AMAZING photos at the same time! He captures the heart of this ranch in his pictures and allows our guests to savor their time with us forever. Jeff also knows more than anybody else about the “nuts and bolts” that keep Cherokee Park Ranch successful!
The next time you visit Cherokee Park Ranch, take advantage of your time with Jeff. His talent and friendship is just another reason that CPR is such a special place. Thank you Jeff for everything you do!!
(Photo Courtesy of Gabe Souza)